Best Money We Ever Spent; Attorney Seaver Protected Us From The Risks

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“So the first time I heard from DCF, I thought it might’ve been a misunderstanding. And my instinct originally at first, I was like, “I’ll just tell them what they want to know. I’ll just talk to them.” So I actually did talk to DCF a little bit in the beginning, but I actually regret that because I felt that what I told them was twisted and a little bit misrepresented. So when I started getting some feedback from them, I immediately thought this wasn’t going well, so I contacted Attorney Seaver.

What seemed to be innocent comments, DCF uses that and tries to drive a wedge and create a contradicting argument. I felt like they tried to divide me against my wife. And I’ll tell you, it just goes from bad to worse so quickly. I realized when I met Attorney Seaver right away that he was a street fighter and he was the guy that I needed. And you got to go in with an iron fist and a velvet glove, and Attorney Seaver is … that’s what Attorney Seaver is. He’s an iron fist and a velvet glove. He’s very pleasant and calm, but he knows that when people need to be represented, he provides that representation that is needed.

So I hope I never have another involvement with DCF, it’s the worst feeling I’ve ever gone through in my life, but I’ll tell you right now, if I could do things again, the first thing I would do is say nothing. And the second thing I would do is call Attorney Seaver and get yourself protected. Protect yourself. You might think that it’s the most innocent thing, and I’m going to tell you something, it’s going to be the best money you ever spent.

If you think you’re going to represent yourself, you’re gambling with yourself, you’re gambling with your family, and most importantly, you’re gambling with your children and the separation of your children from your family. And that’s a snare you don’t want to get caught up in, and don’t take that risk.” 

Discover More about Dad’s Case in the Case Study Here:

MA DCF Client Testimonial
18 MA DCF Client Testimonial